Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Countdown to Race Day

Holy race is now 1 1/2 weeks away! I haven't prepared nearly as long and hard as I did for my full marathon last year. But then again, this is only a half.

On Sunday I met Sara for a run around UCI. We ran about 2.5 miles and then walked about 2.5 miles. I felt like crap--very sluggish. Also, I had rubbed my heel raw in my trail running shoes and ghetto old socks the day before and the wimpy Band-Aid I had put on did nothing to protect the new wound. I don't know if I just needed additional time to recover from my long run on Saturday or if I can just really suck it up sometimes, but I did not have a good workout. was wonderful to see Sara and catch up with her. I hadn't seen her since before my sabbatical either.

On Monday I went to a great yoga class at the Mission Viejo 24 Hr. Fitness. The stretching was sooo good for my tight muscles.

Last night (Tuesday), I hit the road again and ran 5 miles around Aliso Viejo and Laguna Hills. I actually had a great run--I felt great, the moleskin on my heel was protecting my boo-boo, and I felt very energetic. So, maybe I don't suck so much after all.

Tonight I need to run 3 miles at the gym and then tomorrow night is another 5-miler outside. Then this weekend I'm putting in my last "long" run of 10 miles.

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