Friday, January 25, 2008

Two Things

  1. I ran my second fastest three miles since high school on Wednesday: 24:56. I started out at an 8:57 minute/mile and got progressively faster until I was running a 7:30 minute/mile at the end.
  2. For the first time ever, I ran five miles on the treadmill at the gym (last night). I have never run farther than four miles on the treadmill because I was pretty sure that I would pass out and have a heat stroke, or die of boredom, if I went beyond that. But, I'm alive and writing this now, so clearly that was a myth. I had to run the five miles at the gym last night because I didn't get home from my friend, Maria's, birthday happy hour until late, and, it was raining. I ran the five miles in about 44 minutes or so.

(Secret item #3: Last night when I was running, I was thinking that I want to run in the Nike Women's Marathon in October in San Francisco. I must be crazy. Or bored. Or both.)


DFerg said...

Hi, just surfing through some blogs and came upon yours. I like to read reports of people training for marathons. Good luck next week. Are you on any specific training plan?

Janelle said...

Congratulations on your best time, Carrie! That's awesome.

Carrie said...

The Runner Chick,

Yes, I'm using Hal Higdon's Novice Half Marathon Training Schedule. There's a link to his Web site on the right side of my blog and an entry about my schedule somewhere in October, I think.