Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Gym Review: Aliso Viejo 24 Hr Fitness

If I were to rate this gym using the standard hotel star-rating system, this gym would get one star. It's the gym equivalent of Motel 6. Pathetic.

On Monday evening I went to the 24 Hr Fitness in Aliso Viejo to run 3 miles. When I walked in the girl working at the front desk hardly even looked at me, let alone scanned my membership card or checked my ID. I walked over to the treadmills and found one in front of a fan and next to some other dude (everyone was huddled together beneath the fans because they keep the thermostat so freakin' high there). The dude on the treadmill next to mine informed me that my treadmill didn't work. Wonderful. So I find another treadmill beneath a fan that isn't on and I climb over the treadmill and reach up and turn on the fan. I'll have nice breeze now, right? Well, yes, if by "nice" you mean a disgusting, dusty, dirty, germy breeze. The fan was covered--caked--plastered with grey dirt and dust--all blowing in my direction. Gross! As I look around I notice dust and dirt everywhere--all over the floor and the machines. And now that I'm looking, I see that the windows in front of me are streaky and dirty. What are my $16 dues a month going towards?? Well, I guess I'm getting what I pay for (which isn't much). After my 3 mile run (during which I had two guys, on both sides of me, would increase his speed and then the other was commical) I figured I would tell that girl painting her nails at the front desk that as a paying patron of this facility, I expect better service! Clean fans! Clean equipment! Streak-free windows! I demand to have a cool, clean breeze blowing the wisps of my hair as I run in place on the treadmill! Yeah...well, she had vacated her post at the front desk and no one was there.

So wiped my dirty, sweaty face and hands on the jacket she had left on her chair.

Just kidding...maybe...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

24HF sucks donkey balls. terms of convenience, you can't beat it. It's the McDonald's of gyms.

Sigh. I miss my Gold's Gym. If you didn't clean off your equipment, people would YELL at you.